Factor Dashboard
Scorecard displaying three critical factors, along with their impact on your Advisor Score.
Simple, clean view of each factor, with easy access to a detailed report on each.
Understand quickly where your advisor relationship might need attention.
Portfolio Performance
View your portfolio holdings, transactions and investment performance.
Stay up to date on your portfolio allocation and performance.
View relative performance alongside target allocation index benchmarks.
Monitor cash optimization in money market funds.
Overall Fees
Investors pay different types of fees, which can be overwhelming.
See the total dollar amount, in addition to the
fee percentage, charged by your advisor.View fees associated with any mutual fund and/or
ETF holdings in your acocunt.Knowing exactly what you are paying helps you
determine if you are getting the value you expect out of your advisor relationship.
Independence & Credentials
Trust but Verify.
Confirm your advisor's registration status, fiduciary?
View work history and reported disclosures.
See advisor's designations (CFP®, CFA®, CPA, CAIA)
Engagement & Trust
Great relationships in life are built on communication and trust.
Determine if you are receiving the communication you deserve.
Confirm you are meeting with your advisor when, where, and how often you expect.
Statement Quality
Are you receiving investment reports that you understand?!
Make sure your advisor is providing reporting that is transparent with statements that you understand.
Portfolio Positions, Investment Transactions, Fees, Asset Allocation, Benchmarks
One advantage of working with a Financial Advisor is leveraging their knowledge beyond stocks and bonds.
Have you spoken with your advisor about alternative investments?
Does your advisor have the CAIA designation?