Unveiling key insights for a renewed advisor relationship.

Fiduciary Rule: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
It's been 8 years since John Oliver tackled the DOL retirement rule. Enjoy a laugh with this throwback clip and episode.

529 Plans: Direct vs Broker Sold
Know the difference in fees charged on broker sold 529 plans vs 529 plans available directly with the state.

Investment Services are Not Free
Fees are not inherently bad, but you should avoid overpaying in fees, which can significantly diminish long-term returns.

Fiduciary vs Broker
What is the difference between investment advisors, who are fiduciaries and brokers?

DOL Proposes Fiduciary Standard
The DOL proposes a fiduciary standard for advice on retirement accounts.

The Relationship
Ensuring You Get the Service You Deserve: Unveiling the Reality of Your Requests
Study suggests advisors are often not providing holistic services in the way consumers demand.

46% of Clients say Advisor Costs are Not Transparent
According to a recent study, 46% of prospective clients said the costs of a financial advisor are not transparent. This confusion is cited as the biggest hurdle for affluent potential clients to sign on with advisors-- and for good reason.

Advisor Transition
38% of Advisors Planning to Retire in the Next Decade
The impending mass retirement, coupled with the accelerating Great Wealth Transfer, is set to usher clients into a new era of financial advisory relationships.